CareSouth’s vision of creating a positive future for children and young people was a key factor in the development and launch of “The Homework Hub”, a weekly program designed to help students with their homework.

The Homework Hub runs every Tuesday afternoon in our Berkeley office and provides students from CareSouth’s Permanency Support and Foster care, Brighter Futures, Aunties & Uncles and Residential Care programs with a safe space to get help with their homework. The Homework Hub also gives students, who range in age from 5 to 18, the opportunity to meet and develop friendships with others on a similar path to their own.

Volunteer mentors from diverse backgrounds, including a local police officer and teaching, social work and psychology students from the University of Wollongong and TAFE, help the students with their homework and boost their confidence and self-esteem through positive reinforcement and role-modelling. The Homework Hub isn’t just a positive experience for the students, the mentors gain valuable practical experience working with vulnerable children.

Homework Hub volunteer Sarah Shannon has been a part of the program since it began and she has seen first-hand the difference an extra layer of help and support can make. “The Homework Hub is beneficial for the students as they get the one-on-one help they need for school,” she said. “By enhancing their skills in school it gives them the tools they need for the future.”

Homework Hub activities include digital learning, art and craft and yoga/mindfulness breathing techniques. By far the most popular activity is the Hub’s Paws and Tales reading program with Buster the Story Dog. Research has shown that reading to therapy dogs like Buster facilitates a calm, non-judgmental environment for students and this helps them develop their reading skills and discover a love of books. Homework Hub students are rewarded with a sticker each time they read with Buster, when they achieve five stickers, students can take home a book of their choice.

When students were asked how CareSouth’s Homework Hub had helped them, one Year 8 student said: “What I like about homework Hub is that I get my homework done and make friends”.

A Year 11 student found the Homework Hub beneficial because it “helps me get my school work done and I can concentrate there. I also like all the individuals involved as they are all such a great help”.

If you would like more information about the Homework Hub, or are interested in becoming a volunteer please call 1300 554 260.